The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, a Marvel Cinematic Universe spinoff series originally slated to premiere on Disney+ this year, has resumed filming in Prague this week following the interruption of its shoot during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ironically, the production couldn’t have picked a worse time to return to the Czech capital. While the Czech Republic never reported more than 400 daily COVID-19 cases through August, COVID-19 rates have recently been surging. The country reported a record 5,000 new cases yesterday, and new restrictions announced by the Czech Health Ministry on leisure and culture activities this afternoon.
Those restrictions will not affect filming, however, and the country is not expected to introduce any measures that would affect film or television production in the immediate future.
Since June, the Czech Republic has welcomed international filmmakers back into the country, with some of the larger productions resuming filming at the end of the summer. Season 2 of Carnival Row wrapped filming in Prague in late August, and Wheel of Time resumed its Czech shoot at the end of September. An HBO film about the 1993 Oslo Accords is slated to begin filming in Prague later this month.
Currently, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has a base camp in Prague’s spacious Letná Park (Letenská pláň), with a large area cordoned off for cast and crew. An on-site COVID-19 testing center is also included within the camp.
Amusingly, guards surrounding the filming area are wearing S.H.I.E.L.D.-branded security shirts.
Prague filming on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was disbanded in March after just a a few days in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Czech Republic, which included the government declaring a state of emergency and imposing drastic travel restrictions.
The current Prague shoot is expected to run through October 23. With primary filming in Atlanta already wrapped, local scenes may be the last to be shot for the series.
Plot details for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, including which scenes may be shot or set in Prague, have yet to be revealed.
The six-episode series is being directed by Kari Skogland, with Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie co-starring as the titular Marvel superheroes.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was originally scheduled to be released on Disney+ in August 2020, but delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is now TBA 2021, though it may be early 2021 if current filming is able to wrap on schedule.
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