New animated film ‘The Wild Robot’ includes a nod to Czech author Karel Čapek
The main character in The Wild Robot is named Rozzum, a reference to Čapek’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots, which was the origin of the word robot.
The main character in The Wild Robot is named Rozzum, a reference to Čapek’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots, which was the origin of the word robot.
Despite an electric performance from Margaret Qualley, writer-director Ethan Coen’s solo feature is only a mildly amusing trifle.
Denzel Washington is back in action as a rogue DIA agent who seeks justice for innocent victims in this surprisingly tactful sequel
This sequel to the 2014 adaption of the comic series is as fun as its predecessor, but lacks its devilishly explosive finale
The Adjustment Bureau is clean and competently made, centered around an intriguing Philip K. Dick premise