‘Elevation’ movie review: Anthony Mackie, Morena Baccarin in Rocky Mountain monster movie
Utilizing minimal exposition and character development, this streamlined monster movie delivers the goods when it comes to the action.
Utilizing minimal exposition and character development, this streamlined monster movie delivers the goods when it comes to the action.
An agoraphobic woman witnesses a murder – or does she? – in this aggravating new thriller from director Joe Wright
Prague locations can be spotted in two scenes in the first episode of the new show, now out on Disney’s streaming platform
A drone pilot gets demoted to working behind enemy lines with robot fighters in this new Netflix thriller
The Prague shoot on the Marvel and Disney+ TV series will last in the Czech capital through October 23
Shooting on the new Marvel TV series is slated to take place in locations in the Czech Republic through March 25
Despite two dozen comic book characters competing for screen time, the biggest Marvel movie to date is also one of the best
It’s Avenger against Avenger in this superhero smash-up that pits the Captain and co. against Iron Man and the UN
Love the Coopers is about a clan of curmudgeons so down-in-the-dumps that no amount of holiday cheer could bring a smile to their faces
Avengers: Age of Ultron climaxes with a 30-minute sequence of our titular heroes bashing the hell out of an endless army of metalheads
Captain America: The Winter Soldier bests the first Captain America film in most storytelling regards – including plot, pacing, and story development
Runner Runner aspires to become another Wall Street but the script is so generic and predictable that the film barely manages a pulse
Pain & Gain is a nasty, inherently unlikable little piece of work that distances itself from its audience through both style and content
Gangster Squad is a high-profile, high-energy, overdone and undercooked version of a purportedly true story
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter presents its story of Honest Abe hunting down vamps straight-faced almost all the way
Man on a Ledge works, to the extent it does, by obscuring its plot as long as it can, for about half of the movie.
Real Steel is based on a short story by Richard Matheson, which was previously made into a memorable Twilight Zone episode
The Adjustment Bureau is clean and competently made, centered around an intriguing Philip K. Dick premise
The Hurt Locker was the best film of 2009, and one of the best of the decade
Eagle Eye tests the limits of just how dumb a film can be and still get away with it