‘Win Win’ movie review: Paul Giamatti in winning wrestling comedy-drama
Win Win is an engaging, likable comedy-drama that does one thing especially right: it never takes the easy way out
Win Win is an engaging, likable comedy-drama that does one thing especially right: it never takes the easy way out
Jack Goes Boating, the directorial debut of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, is an oddball little NYC indie
The Lovely Bones is also an incredibly misguided film that feels icky and unpleasant and all sorts of wrong
Mammoth is not as good as Moodysson’s earlier films, and has a newfound preachy vibe that feels like it was lifted from Crash
2012 is the disaster movie mother of them all, combining earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and more
Pixar’s Up doesn’t quite reach the heights of Ratatouille and Wall-E, the kind of wonderful, transcendent animated films that Hollywood rarely sees
There’s only one problem with Tony Gilroy’s otherwise excellent Duplicity: the tone is all wrong, and it threatens to ruin the film
There are a lot of good things about The Visitor, but one of the best may be the emergence of Jenkins
Flags of our Fathers is a somber, heartfelt, beautifully rendered meditation on heroism and the politics of war