Movie Review: 2016’s ‘Ben-Hur’ Falls Flat
2016’s biggest flop isn’t a total dud, but this effects-laden take on the Christian classic is no comparison to 1925 & 1959 versions
2016’s biggest flop isn’t a total dud, but this effects-laden take on the Christian classic is no comparison to 1925 & 1959 versions
While the results may not be satisfying, it’s fun trying to work out all the angles of Focus while the game is underway
300: Rise of an Empire is purportedly based on a follow-up graphic novel by Frank Miller entitled Xerxes, yet to be released
If The Last Stand is any indication, well, Arnold might have been better off staying in politics
What to Expect When You’re Expecting is the latest entry in the Valentine’s Day genre of ensemble romantic comedy
Che; Part One is an incredible portrait of worldwide revolutionary icon Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara
300 is a near-masterpiece that ignores all reasonable aspects of storytelling, such as, say, plot or character development