Movie Review: Gerard Butler-Starring ‘Geostorm’ an Epic Disaster
This SyFy-level disaster movie inexplicably unleashed in cinemas worldwide is missing the graceful touch of Roland Emmerich
This SyFy-level disaster movie inexplicably unleashed in cinemas worldwide is missing the graceful touch of Roland Emmerich
Stonehearst Asylum is an enjoyably old-fashioned piece of horror filmmaking, though it won’t hold many surprises for astute viewers
The Best Offer slowly draws you in to its serpentine story before carefully peeling back the layers
Upside Down is the best kind of bad movie: it looks great, it’s never boring, and it wants you to like it
Cloud Atlas is a bold and ambitious piece of filmmaking that demands to be seen and analyzed, and reseen and reanalyzed
One Day is turgid, dull, dreary, and surprisingly unlikable, especially disappointing coming off the director’s previous film
Peter Weir’s The Way Back is a great story, well-told, presenting a grueling experience in a respectable but palatable manner
Kari Skogland’s Fifty Dead Men Walking is entertaining enough to please mainstream audiences
The Other Boleyn Girl is dull and listless costume drama, populated by rote one-dimensional characters
21 turns the true story of the Vegas-breaking MIT card counting team into a rambling bore
Julie Taymor’s Across the Universe is a wonderful low-key musical comprised solely of Beatles music