‘Mechanic Resurrection’ movie review: surprisingly fun Jason Statham sequel
Check your brain at the door: this low-rent mashup of Jason Statham action and Mission: Impossible is especially silly but devilishly fun
Check your brain at the door: this low-rent mashup of Jason Statham action and Mission: Impossible is especially silly but devilishly fun
Style so overwhelms content in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For that plot specifics are rendered meaningless
If there’s one reason to see Machete Kills, it’s Mel Gibson’s loopy performance as a cult leader and supervillain
Machete delivers the goods and then some: numerous additional characters and subplots, and even a socio-political message
Valentine’s Day is an adequate, pleasant-enough date movie, but it’s utterly unmemorable in almost every detail
The Eye is based on the creepy 2002 Hong Kong film by the same name, directed by the Pang brothers
A listless sequel to the uninspired original, this Fantastic Four flick piles money on top of by-the-numbers script