‘Gangster Squad’ movie review: Ryan Gosling in a star-studded L.A. mafia story
Gangster Squad is a high-profile, high-energy, overdone and undercooked version of a purportedly true story
Gangster Squad is a high-profile, high-energy, overdone and undercooked version of a purportedly true story
If nothing else, Garry Marshall’s New Year’s Eve must have been great fun for the product placement department
Bennett Miller’s Moneyball is a real surprise, one of the best baseball movies ever made and certainly one of the most realistic
Drive Angry knows exactly what it is and delivers all the violence, sex, action, and attitude that we could expect
David O. Russell’s The Fighter ranks as one of the best boxing movies ever made, right up there with Rocky and Raging Bull.
21 turns the true story of the Vegas-breaking MIT card counting team into a rambling bore