Movie Review: ‘The Cloverfield Paradox’ an Entertaining Deep-Space Void
This latest installment in the Cloverfield franchise, which debuted on Netflix following its Superbowl trailer, is fitfully engaging if ultimately unsatisfying
This latest installment in the Cloverfield franchise, which debuted on Netflix following its Superbowl trailer, is fitfully engaging if ultimately unsatisfying
Shark Night is a relentlessly derivative, dull, and frequently idiotic movie that hopes to get by on the popularity of its title creatures alone
Max Payne is surprisingly effective most of the way but ultimately falls prey to genre clichés and lapses of logic
David Fincher´s Zodiac is a gripping, fascinating true-crime story
This cartoon version of Ghost Rider forgoes all respect for the source material and does succeed in a Schumacher-Batman kind of way