‘Captain Phillips’ movie review: Tom Hanks in real-world Somali pirate thriller
Paul Greengrass’ Captain Phillips is a no-nonsense thriller that grabs you from the outset and never lets go
Paul Greengrass’ Captain Phillips is a no-nonsense thriller that grabs you from the outset and never lets go
Now You See Me, a glitzy, star-studded Vegas-style collaboration, won’t hold up in retrospect but it’s plenty fun while it’s unfolding
Lincoln is a star-studded, expertly filmed and directed period piece, the majority of which is engrossing and enlightening
The Master is another magnificent piece of filmmaking from the director of Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and There Will Be Blood
Public Enemies, starring Christian Bale and Johnny Depp, is Michael Mann’s finest film: an out-and-out masterpiece and an immense technical achievement
Taken is the kind of movie you might expect to see from a Bruce Willis or Jet Li. But no, here’s Liam Neeson
There Will Be Blood is an epic-scale near-masterpiece mitigated by a somewhat unsatisfying conclusion