2022 Noir Film Fest showcases Rita Hayworth, David Fincher at Český Šternberk Castle
The annual film noir film festival returns to the Czech castle for the second year next weekend from August 17-21
The annual film noir film festival returns to the Czech castle for the second year next weekend from August 17-21
Gone Girl works as an engrossing B-movie thriller, but it’s filled with such delicious subversive cynicism and social commentary that it becomes much more
In The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, David Fincher has taken familiar material and managed to churn out something fresh and exciting
The Social Network is a surprisingly profound story that lives in the “now” and demands to be seen by contemporary audiences
David Fincher’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a strange film with a strange premise
David Fincher´s Zodiac is a gripping, fascinating true-crime story