New animated film ‘The Wild Robot’ includes a nod to Czech author Karel Čapek
The main character in The Wild Robot is named Rozzum, a reference to Čapek’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots, which was the origin of the word robot.
The main character in The Wild Robot is named Rozzum, a reference to Čapek’s play Rossum’s Universal Robots, which was the origin of the word robot.
This update doesn’t come close to matching the dazzling creative vision of Burton’s original film, but offers plenty of fun thanks to Michael Keaton and Catherine O’Hara.
This twisty spy thriller from Kingsman director Matthew Vaughn has some real surprises and a wealth of appealing performances.
Frankenweenie is a gorgeously animated feature-length version of Tim Burton’s (live-action) 1984 short of the same name
Killers stars Ashton Kutcher as a super-spy and Katharine Heigl as a frumpy computer technician
A wonderful little slice of Americana, Sam Mendes’ Away We Go is the perfect antidote to his previous feature, the emotionally devastating Revolutionary Road
Penelope won’t win over any cynics but becomes an agreeably old-fashioned fantasy with modern-day sensibilities