Movie Review: ‘Star Trek Beyond’ a Bold Step Forward
Star Trek gets fast & furious in this rousing sci-fi adventure, one of 2016’s better blockbusters
Star Trek gets fast & furious in this rousing sci-fi adventure, one of 2016’s better blockbusters
The vampire movie gets the Jim Jarmusch treatment in Only Lovers Left Alive, a too-hip-to-be-hip treatise on the undead
Despite the gloomy title, Star Trek Into Darkness is anything but: this is a big, bright, slam-bang action-adventure film
At least half of New York, I Love You is unbearable, and only one 7-minute segment is really worthwhile
A post-apocalyptic man vs. machine war movie, Terminator Salvation plays out like many a video game
Star Trek is the kind of Hollywood blockbuster that hasn’t been seen since Spielberg and Lucas were in their prime
Alpha Dog is two-thirds of a fascinating film, a vivid and compelling look at suburban youth culture