Movie Review: Netflix’s ‘The Last Days of American Crime’ a sleazy, bloated affair
Edgar Ramírez and Michael pitt star as career criminals in search of that one last score in this violent, unpleasant – but not uninteresting – new feature
Edgar Ramírez and Michael pitt star as career criminals in search of that one last score in this violent, unpleasant – but not uninteresting – new feature
Liam Neeson is back in action as retired ex-covert operative Bryan Mills in Taken 3, a preposterous but entertaining sequel
Taken 2 bows with a simultaneous worldwide release that reeks of cash grab: get in, get out, and forget about Taken 3
Olivier Megaton’s Colombiana feels like a cross-breed between Luc Besson’s La Femme Nikita and Leon: The Professional
Transporter 3 jettisons the goofy, over-the-top fun of its predecessors in favor of a more serious Bourne-lite ride