‘Megalopolis’: Francis Ford Coppola’s epic lands Czech distribution deal at Cannes
The long-awaited epic will screen at the Be2Can festival in Prague in October, and likely receive a wide theatrical release later this fall.
The long-awaited epic will screen at the Be2Can festival in Prague in October, and likely receive a wide theatrical release later this fall.
Keanu Reeves is back for more, and more, revenge in this purportedly final John Wick movie, but co-star Donnie Yen steals the show.
Neeson stars as an ice road trucker hauling a wellhead to save trapped miners across the frozen Canadian wild in this fun new thriller
Paul Rudd is back in action in this fast, loose, and engaging comic book sequel that reduces the stakes and comes out ahead
Revenge movie sequel features more action, more violence, and more silly plot mechanics
The DC comic book titans collide in this overstuffed, underwritten superhero spectacle
The Last Temptation of Superman
Contagion is one of the scariest films of 2011 – germaphobes watch at their own risk
Predators is a ridiculously entertaining ride, a self-knowing but straight-faced throwback to the days of over-the-top 80s machismo and 70s grindhouse films
21 turns the true story of the Vegas-breaking MIT card counting team into a rambling bore
A listless sequel to the uninspired original, this Fantastic Four flick piles money on top of by-the-numbers script
This return of the Turtles to the big screen provides some wonderful CG animation and grand design